Thanks to everyone who IG'd and emailed questions!!
Here ya go!
1. What gets your creative juices flowing?
#1 says- I have to totally be in the mood to creative. My creativity just doesn't seem to flow like my other sisters do. I can do it and sometime it's creative and other times I feel like a chromosome is missing. I have to look at others work to get ideas and for my own creativity to flow.
#2 says - I remember our mother always telling us..."if you don't love it, redo it." She would always tell us to take time decorating your home. Wait until you find what you love!
#3 says- We were blessed with a very creative mother. I always just knew that if you needed to make something...or come up with an idea...you just keep trying until something worked. We are all 5 good problem solvers...plus I think a key to being creative is doing what YOU like..not what everyone else likes!!
#4 says- PINTEREST how I love you! I love finding things I can make myself. It makes me so happy. I rarely have the time to do any of them, but once in awhile. There is also something rewarding about recreating something that used to be old. I think us sisters and our mom feed off of each other. I am thankful for the crafting gene from our mother. She always tells everyone to decorate with what you love.
2. The secret to keeping such a close relationship with each other?
#1 says - I am the oldest and I do feel an obligation to keep the family on good terms and as functional as possible (if that is possible...lol). WE MAKE TIME FOR EACH OTHER. It's important. We are all busy wives, mothers and some of us also work outside the home. We schedule Sister Days, text daily, send silly videos to each other and make sure to have at least one family get together a month if not more. We make it a priority. We need it, our children need it and our parents need it!
#2 says - I agree with what all my sisters say. It is all about choice..... laughing, praying, forgiving..... and moving forward!
#3 says- I think its because we choose to. Family is everything to me. I crave communicating with my sisters every day....sometimes its not always possible... but we always seem to manage some texts.. an email...or a quick phone call. But I can always tell when a sister day is DUE!
#4 says- This has become so important to me. It's almost unexplainable. It seems so natural and doesn't take a lot of effort. Maybe I'm naïve in saying that, but that's how I feel. It's not hard for me to get along with them. But I do KNOW how blessed we are.
We love spending time together and make time to do it often.
We are each others support system.
I'm not saying we don't get annoyed at times, I think that's natural. I just choose to let it roll of my back and move on.
#5 says- the MORE we grow older and as our children get bigger, I have realized how MUCH I depend and need and love my sisters. I need them. I feel safe with them. I couldn't bare to make them upset at me....or hurt them. We have all chosen to do the same. We let the little things go. Sisters can STILL be annoying, but letting the little stuff GO is always the answer. and being HONEST, tender, listen, serve, uplift and hold their hand.
We plan many "sister days" to help our bond. My mom is to blame on that one, she did "girl" days a lot growing up. We also have created a "group text" and we text each other all day long. sing to each other....send ugly faces.....funny jokes. We also send out "prayer" texts when one of the sisters needs help that day. Another thing is we couldn't BARE to see our Dad sad... or my mom......hurting each other, being cruel, nit picking and belittling would CRUSH our parents. My dad would go to the ends of the EARTH to make sure we forgave and moved on. hugging and crying of course......haha!
3. Which sisters have nicknames?
Keri- Ker or Ker Bear
Kim- Kimmie or Kim-bob
Kristi- Tisti (NOT KRIS! except for my sisters)
Amie- Mamie, Ames or AJ
Annie- Nannie or Nans
4. Do we have daughters that are dating age?
We all have daughters of dating age except for Amie...her 2 daughters are a little young still. And Keri is a mom of all boys!....she has 2 girl dogs tho. One is not spayed yet. ha!
5. Do we all giggle at the same things or is there one in the group that is more reserved?
#1 says - We all love to giggle. There is nothing that makes my world turn better during the day than a random silly video, hysterical text or email from one of my sisters. Kim is definitely more reserved than the rest of us, but she also can spaz out like a cuckoo bird on a whim. Amie is quiet, but definitely not reserved.
#2 says-........ :)
#3 says- We do nothing but giggle. No one can make me giggle like my sisters.
#4 says- I giggle all the time!! More like Cackle!! Like #3 it's a most things I shouldn't, but
I enjoy life. You can always guarantee laughter when we are together.
#5 says-I feel we are pretty much the same in the giggle fest. Kim is a little more reserved but only cuz we find our selves more crude then her...LOL and have to explain what things mean.
6. What is every sisters most embarrassing story?
#1 says - Why does it seem that most of women's embarrassing stories have to do with "that time of the month?" (expect potty mouth Kristi?) I'm no different. I removed a tampon and had not flushed due to my husband was in the shower to prevent him from being scorched with a sudden burst of hot water (you all know that drill, right?). My oldest son was about 4 at the time and came screaming to me that there was a RAT in the toilet. "Oh my Gosh, REALLY? Yes, Josh, yes there is a rat in the toilet, ahhhhhh....let's flush it!" (Heaven to Betsy Keri - get it together!) He's 22 now and I can't bare to tell him. (actually I did and we had a good laugh).
#2 says - I was asked to sing at a Regional Single Adult Fireside at the Ogden Tabernacle. I just finished and was walking down the stairs from the podium (mind you.... this is in front of everyone...at least 800 people) and I FELL. DOWN. THE. STAIRS....FLAT on my face for all to see!! Good thing I was already married!
#3 says- this was hard for me..I think its because it takes a lot to embarrass me...but one time at work (911 dispatcher) I had one of my male co-workers giving me some attitude..and I told him to "take his 'tude...roll it up...and shove it up his @$$"...and then I realized that my microphone was OPEN!! and that radio traffic went out over the radio!! OOPS!
#4 says- I am choosing only to type a few words instead.........Willard Bay, 17, period, boyfriend and his DAD=MORTIFIED! End of story!
#5 says- First time I wore a tampon. My friend helped me because we were going boating with her parents and brother and all his cute friends. I was out water-skiing and it FELL OUT! Ummmmm--hello? Tampons don't sink!!!! So there it was floating...I grabbed it and shoved it down my swimsuit top. Desperately asking my friends mom to go to shore afterwards...... I KNEW they saw......whatever!
7. Do we ever fight?
#1 says - In my defense from #2's comments, Yes I still do have a MARK! Most of my childhood quarreling (sounds better than fighting) was with #2 and a little from #3 (if you can call being chased by a knife down the hall "a little" tiff) As we've matured in our adults years I can't stand to have any of them upset with me, if it happens we fix it. We are all best friends and if one sister ain't happy then all five sisters ain't happy!
#2 says - I remember I was so mad at #1 when I was about 17 years old. We were painting the outside of our home for her wedding. I remember throwing a paintbrush at her head... (ya I did that....sorry Keri....do you still have a mark?) and then she chased me around the yard with a paint brush while I screamed bloody murder for help..(help me I'm innocent:) My parents watched this from the inside of the house ....laughing there guts out. That was a funny time.
#3 says- We're normal siblings...of course we have our differences...and we used to fight like nobody's business when we were younger. Do we fight now? I would say no...we are very honest with each other...so I think we always know where we stand...if there's a problem..fix it... and be approachable and open...not gonna waste precious sissy time with DUMB STUFF!!
#4 says- No. We offer constructive criticism when needed. I don't remember a time in our adulthood that we have had a real fight. Now I have many scars from Annie when we were little, but they are funny reminders to me now.
8. What to you do at Cuzins Kamp and how do you get everyone excited about it?
#1 says - It's not hard to get excited about Cuzins Kamp. It's a yearly tradition of family bonding, personal growth and vacation! The first week in June is a sacred week and no one schedules other activities. A new theme is selected every year and activities are planned around that theme. All families take a turn in planning a day. There is much pondering and prayer from our parents when selecting this sacred theme.
#2 says - It is all about Family!!!! It is also about sacred things. We have a theme, a camp song that some family writes, we have a scripture that goes along with our theme. We have grandpa visits every morning. THESE ARE OUR FAVORITES!!! It you were to ask any grand child they would tell you that they love their grandpa teaching them. We get t-shirts, and have great food ( thanks #4 Mamie!) We spend 6-7 days togehter away form the world and bond as family. We do activities that sometimes get us out of our comfort zone ( you can thank our dad for that!) and we always, always have fun!!!
#3 says- Check out our previous Cuzins Kamp blog posts for what we do at kamp! I credit our parents for the excitement. I always remember being excited for family vacations and family time. It was always a priority. They started the tradition young with our own children and they all look forward to Cuzins Kamp all year long!
#4 says- It's something we look forward to every year. My kids love it, the husbands not so much, ha ha. Us sister are kinda loud and stuff. But most of them endure.
It's a week of sacred bonding. It helps with our eternal togetherness.
We always have a movie every night too. But my dad specifically picks out these movies. They always have a great message.
9. What would our dreams jobs be?
#1 says - If money were no option, I'd retire, live on a farm, rescue and train all types of animals. You know, kinda like an animal whisperer. Maybe I'd do a realty TV show and have my #crazycatsister as a guest.
#2 says - I am with number 3!!! I love what I do!! I love helping people! There is no greater joy than to help someone and now knows they are loved and they can do hard things!
but my favorite is being a momma!!!
#3 says- I'm doing it. I love being a dispatcher...the only thing I would change is if I could have 7 bazillion dollars so I could help people in a funner way!!
#4 says- I would be an Interior Designer. To spend peoples money and get to decorate would be the best. Not saying I would be good at it, but it would be fun!
#5 says- I wanna be Jewel... to sing and play acoustic......or ABBA! Lol
Or work in labor and delivery.
OR design the cutest ugliest clothes. #somewithcatsofcourse
10. What is your guilty pleasures as far as food and TV shows?
#1 says - I'm not much of a TV watcher anymore, but I love a good Netflix Series and anything like Downton Abby or Sense and Sensibility. I also love anything with chocolate and nuts. AND any Mexican or Seafood dish.
#2 says - I really don't watch TV but..... I LOVE MOVIES!!! and anything with chocolate and any kind of dessert. Just bring me the sugar!
#3 says- I am loving British shows right now...Sherlock..Downton Abbey...and I love sushi!
#4 says- I love SISTER WIVES (Not to worry friends), and Mountain Men. I also love to watch the teenage Disney shows with my kids like Austin and Ally, Live and Maddie, that sort of thing. ha ha. My favorite was Good Luck Charlie. As far as food is has to be the PINK Grandma cookies. You know the BIG sugar cookie with the pink frosting and SPRINKLES! Yes, I am aware of the calories. And Diet Coke!
#5 says- I like dr Phil....and sister wives! And salt and vinegar chips! And FRUIT! Fruit gives me the major TOOTS! #askmysissies
11. How do you manage to keep up with everything?
#1 says - I'm a list maker. I do spreadsheets. I have a budget I live by! If I don't have a list I feel frazzled. When I have days of feeling overwhelmed (at home or at work), I take one task at a time and cross of my list. My sisters would say I'm the organized one and that's why Heavenly Father sent me first!#thatmeansilldiefirsttho
#2 says - It is a day to day thing. I am grateful for 4 sisters that have my back.
I feel I am the one who is always lagging behind... But they are so kind to me.
#3 says- We DON'T! Its kind of about picking your battles. In my mind family comes first...I handle the kid stuff..then work..then whatever else I can...and OH WELL on the rest!! If you could see my yard or my shower...you would know I don't keep up with everything!
#4 says- Oh how I love lists! If I'm feeling overwhelmed with daily tasks or a busy week I make lists. It helps me focus on one thing at a time. It feels good to cross them off. Sometimes I write things down I've already accomplished just so I can cross it off. LOL
But I also simplify. I can't do everything. I used to never say No. But it's ok once in awhile.
For my sanity I need to.
#5 says- How we keep up with everything is schedules..... Keri and Kristi are very good at scheduling. And then following up individually with each one. We pull each others weight if needed. :)
Lists and crossing off lists..... Our mom was a list maker-----
12. Are we concerned that Annie might be turning into a #crazycatlady?
#1 says - Yes, yes I am concerned about her feline obsessions. #idodogs I guess when she comes to family gatherings dressed in her cat shirt, whiskers, cat hats, leopard print, paw mittens and her recent framed prints of her cat-ography we should be concerned. OH WAIT. She already does that. #godsavethecatqueen
#3 says- we are in the planning stages of an intervention.
#4 says- I'm past concerned. It's already happened. Mike is just as bad #crazycatman!
I wouldn't be surprised if they got more.
She's doing CAT-ography people!
#5 says-YES----I am fully aware of my cat-astrophie. Haha
1. What gets your creative juices flowing?
#1 says- I have to totally be in the mood to creative. My creativity just doesn't seem to flow like my other sisters do. I can do it and sometime it's creative and other times I feel like a chromosome is missing. I have to look at others work to get ideas and for my own creativity to flow.
#2 says - I remember our mother always telling us..."if you don't love it, redo it." She would always tell us to take time decorating your home. Wait until you find what you love!
#3 says- We were blessed with a very creative mother. I always just knew that if you needed to make something...or come up with an idea...you just keep trying until something worked. We are all 5 good problem solvers...plus I think a key to being creative is doing what YOU like..not what everyone else likes!!
#4 says- PINTEREST how I love you! I love finding things I can make myself. It makes me so happy. I rarely have the time to do any of them, but once in awhile. There is also something rewarding about recreating something that used to be old. I think us sisters and our mom feed off of each other. I am thankful for the crafting gene from our mother. She always tells everyone to decorate with what you love.
2. The secret to keeping such a close relationship with each other?
#1 says - I am the oldest and I do feel an obligation to keep the family on good terms and as functional as possible (if that is possible...lol). WE MAKE TIME FOR EACH OTHER. It's important. We are all busy wives, mothers and some of us also work outside the home. We schedule Sister Days, text daily, send silly videos to each other and make sure to have at least one family get together a month if not more. We make it a priority. We need it, our children need it and our parents need it!
#2 says - I agree with what all my sisters say. It is all about choice..... laughing, praying, forgiving..... and moving forward!
#3 says- I think its because we choose to. Family is everything to me. I crave communicating with my sisters every day....sometimes its not always possible... but we always seem to manage some texts.. an email...or a quick phone call. But I can always tell when a sister day is DUE!
#4 says- This has become so important to me. It's almost unexplainable. It seems so natural and doesn't take a lot of effort. Maybe I'm naïve in saying that, but that's how I feel. It's not hard for me to get along with them. But I do KNOW how blessed we are.
We love spending time together and make time to do it often.
We are each others support system.
I'm not saying we don't get annoyed at times, I think that's natural. I just choose to let it roll of my back and move on.
#5 says- the MORE we grow older and as our children get bigger, I have realized how MUCH I depend and need and love my sisters. I need them. I feel safe with them. I couldn't bare to make them upset at me....or hurt them. We have all chosen to do the same. We let the little things go. Sisters can STILL be annoying, but letting the little stuff GO is always the answer. and being HONEST, tender, listen, serve, uplift and hold their hand.
We plan many "sister days" to help our bond. My mom is to blame on that one, she did "girl" days a lot growing up. We also have created a "group text" and we text each other all day long. sing to each other....send ugly faces.....funny jokes. We also send out "prayer" texts when one of the sisters needs help that day. Another thing is we couldn't BARE to see our Dad sad... or my mom......hurting each other, being cruel, nit picking and belittling would CRUSH our parents. My dad would go to the ends of the EARTH to make sure we forgave and moved on. hugging and crying of course......haha!
fyi----we STILL get bugged with each other from time to time....we are
NORMAL! BUT WE TURN IT into humor and giggles. :) We laugh ALOT!
3. Which sisters have nicknames?
Keri- Ker or Ker Bear
Kim- Kimmie or Kim-bob
Kristi- Tisti (NOT KRIS! except for my sisters)
Amie- Mamie, Ames or AJ
Annie- Nannie or Nans
4. Do we have daughters that are dating age?
We all have daughters of dating age except for Amie...her 2 daughters are a little young still. And Keri is a mom of all boys!....she has 2 girl dogs tho. One is not spayed yet. ha!
5. Do we all giggle at the same things or is there one in the group that is more reserved?
#1 says - We all love to giggle. There is nothing that makes my world turn better during the day than a random silly video, hysterical text or email from one of my sisters. Kim is definitely more reserved than the rest of us, but she also can spaz out like a cuckoo bird on a whim. Amie is quiet, but definitely not reserved.
#2 says-........ :)
#3 says- We do nothing but giggle. No one can make me giggle like my sisters.
#4 says- I giggle all the time!! More like Cackle!! Like #3 it's a most things I shouldn't, but
I enjoy life. You can always guarantee laughter when we are together.
#5 says-I feel we are pretty much the same in the giggle fest. Kim is a little more reserved but only cuz we find our selves more crude then her...LOL and have to explain what things mean.
6. What is every sisters most embarrassing story?
#1 says - Why does it seem that most of women's embarrassing stories have to do with "that time of the month?" (expect potty mouth Kristi?) I'm no different. I removed a tampon and had not flushed due to my husband was in the shower to prevent him from being scorched with a sudden burst of hot water (you all know that drill, right?). My oldest son was about 4 at the time and came screaming to me that there was a RAT in the toilet. "Oh my Gosh, REALLY? Yes, Josh, yes there is a rat in the toilet, ahhhhhh....let's flush it!" (Heaven to Betsy Keri - get it together!) He's 22 now and I can't bare to tell him. (actually I did and we had a good laugh).
#2 says - I was asked to sing at a Regional Single Adult Fireside at the Ogden Tabernacle. I just finished and was walking down the stairs from the podium (mind you.... this is in front of everyone...at least 800 people) and I FELL. DOWN. THE. STAIRS....FLAT on my face for all to see!! Good thing I was already married!
#3 says- this was hard for me..I think its because it takes a lot to embarrass me...but one time at work (911 dispatcher) I had one of my male co-workers giving me some attitude..and I told him to "take his 'tude...roll it up...and shove it up his @$$"...and then I realized that my microphone was OPEN!! and that radio traffic went out over the radio!! OOPS!
#4 says- I am choosing only to type a few words instead.........Willard Bay, 17, period, boyfriend and his DAD=MORTIFIED! End of story!
#5 says- First time I wore a tampon. My friend helped me because we were going boating with her parents and brother and all his cute friends. I was out water-skiing and it FELL OUT! Ummmmm--hello? Tampons don't sink!!!! So there it was floating...I grabbed it and shoved it down my swimsuit top. Desperately asking my friends mom to go to shore afterwards...... I KNEW they saw......whatever!
7. Do we ever fight?
#1 says - In my defense from #2's comments, Yes I still do have a MARK! Most of my childhood quarreling (sounds better than fighting) was with #2 and a little from #3 (if you can call being chased by a knife down the hall "a little" tiff) As we've matured in our adults years I can't stand to have any of them upset with me, if it happens we fix it. We are all best friends and if one sister ain't happy then all five sisters ain't happy!
#2 says - I remember I was so mad at #1 when I was about 17 years old. We were painting the outside of our home for her wedding. I remember throwing a paintbrush at her head... (ya I did that....sorry Keri....do you still have a mark?) and then she chased me around the yard with a paint brush while I screamed bloody murder for help..(help me I'm innocent:) My parents watched this from the inside of the house ....laughing there guts out. That was a funny time.
#3 says- We're normal siblings...of course we have our differences...and we used to fight like nobody's business when we were younger. Do we fight now? I would say no...we are very honest with each other...so I think we always know where we stand...if there's a problem..fix it... and be approachable and open...not gonna waste precious sissy time with DUMB STUFF!!
#4 says- No. We offer constructive criticism when needed. I don't remember a time in our adulthood that we have had a real fight. Now I have many scars from Annie when we were little, but they are funny reminders to me now.
8. What to you do at Cuzins Kamp and how do you get everyone excited about it?
#1 says - It's not hard to get excited about Cuzins Kamp. It's a yearly tradition of family bonding, personal growth and vacation! The first week in June is a sacred week and no one schedules other activities. A new theme is selected every year and activities are planned around that theme. All families take a turn in planning a day. There is much pondering and prayer from our parents when selecting this sacred theme.
#2 says - It is all about Family!!!! It is also about sacred things. We have a theme, a camp song that some family writes, we have a scripture that goes along with our theme. We have grandpa visits every morning. THESE ARE OUR FAVORITES!!! It you were to ask any grand child they would tell you that they love their grandpa teaching them. We get t-shirts, and have great food ( thanks #4 Mamie!) We spend 6-7 days togehter away form the world and bond as family. We do activities that sometimes get us out of our comfort zone ( you can thank our dad for that!) and we always, always have fun!!!
#3 says- Check out our previous Cuzins Kamp blog posts for what we do at kamp! I credit our parents for the excitement. I always remember being excited for family vacations and family time. It was always a priority. They started the tradition young with our own children and they all look forward to Cuzins Kamp all year long!
#4 says- It's something we look forward to every year. My kids love it, the husbands not so much, ha ha. Us sister are kinda loud and stuff. But most of them endure.
It's a week of sacred bonding. It helps with our eternal togetherness.
We always have a movie every night too. But my dad specifically picks out these movies. They always have a great message.
9. What would our dreams jobs be?
#1 says - If money were no option, I'd retire, live on a farm, rescue and train all types of animals. You know, kinda like an animal whisperer. Maybe I'd do a realty TV show and have my #crazycatsister as a guest.
#2 says - I am with number 3!!! I love what I do!! I love helping people! There is no greater joy than to help someone and now knows they are loved and they can do hard things!
but my favorite is being a momma!!!
#3 says- I'm doing it. I love being a dispatcher...the only thing I would change is if I could have 7 bazillion dollars so I could help people in a funner way!!
#4 says- I would be an Interior Designer. To spend peoples money and get to decorate would be the best. Not saying I would be good at it, but it would be fun!
#5 says- I wanna be Jewel... to sing and play acoustic......or ABBA! Lol
Or work in labor and delivery.
OR design the cutest ugliest clothes. #somewithcatsofcourse
10. What is your guilty pleasures as far as food and TV shows?
#1 says - I'm not much of a TV watcher anymore, but I love a good Netflix Series and anything like Downton Abby or Sense and Sensibility. I also love anything with chocolate and nuts. AND any Mexican or Seafood dish.
#2 says - I really don't watch TV but..... I LOVE MOVIES!!! and anything with chocolate and any kind of dessert. Just bring me the sugar!
#3 says- I am loving British shows right now...Sherlock..Downton Abbey...and I love sushi!
#4 says- I love SISTER WIVES (Not to worry friends), and Mountain Men. I also love to watch the teenage Disney shows with my kids like Austin and Ally, Live and Maddie, that sort of thing. ha ha. My favorite was Good Luck Charlie. As far as food is has to be the PINK Grandma cookies. You know the BIG sugar cookie with the pink frosting and SPRINKLES! Yes, I am aware of the calories. And Diet Coke!
#5 says- I like dr Phil....and sister wives! And salt and vinegar chips! And FRUIT! Fruit gives me the major TOOTS! #askmysissies
11. How do you manage to keep up with everything?
#1 says - I'm a list maker. I do spreadsheets. I have a budget I live by! If I don't have a list I feel frazzled. When I have days of feeling overwhelmed (at home or at work), I take one task at a time and cross of my list. My sisters would say I'm the organized one and that's why Heavenly Father sent me first!#thatmeansilldiefirsttho
#2 says - It is a day to day thing. I am grateful for 4 sisters that have my back.
I feel I am the one who is always lagging behind... But they are so kind to me.
#3 says- We DON'T! Its kind of about picking your battles. In my mind family comes first...I handle the kid stuff..then work..then whatever else I can...and OH WELL on the rest!! If you could see my yard or my shower...you would know I don't keep up with everything!
#4 says- Oh how I love lists! If I'm feeling overwhelmed with daily tasks or a busy week I make lists. It helps me focus on one thing at a time. It feels good to cross them off. Sometimes I write things down I've already accomplished just so I can cross it off. LOL
But I also simplify. I can't do everything. I used to never say No. But it's ok once in awhile.
For my sanity I need to.
#5 says- How we keep up with everything is schedules..... Keri and Kristi are very good at scheduling. And then following up individually with each one. We pull each others weight if needed. :)
Lists and crossing off lists..... Our mom was a list maker-----
12. Are we concerned that Annie might be turning into a #crazycatlady?
#1 says - Yes, yes I am concerned about her feline obsessions. #idodogs I guess when she comes to family gatherings dressed in her cat shirt, whiskers, cat hats, leopard print, paw mittens and her recent framed prints of her cat-ography we should be concerned. OH WAIT. She already does that. #godsavethecatqueen
#3 says- we are in the planning stages of an intervention.
#4 says- I'm past concerned. It's already happened. Mike is just as bad #crazycatman!
I wouldn't be surprised if they got more.
She's doing CAT-ography people!
#5 says-YES----I am fully aware of my cat-astrophie. Haha
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