



Monday, January 26, 2015

It's for our good!!!


Romans 8:28

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
 to them who are called according to his purpose."

My Dad has taught me this my whole life.  If things are hard, or tough or seem like we are being picked on..... If we LOVE THE LORD, every experience will be for our good. 
Even the ones that seem like they couldn't be. 
I have loved this scripture my life and this has become one of my most favorites. 

I remember working with my Dad and my sisters at his apartments; cleaning, painting, dry wall, (yes we learned how to fix dry wall:), and we even learned how to use a
 Jack hammer to tear up an old driveway.
I weighed about 80 pounds (wet:) and then my Dad says - "You can do it, Kim!" I was wondering who was going to win: me or the jack hammer. 

My Dad has taught me many wonderful teachings throughout my life.
I love his visits in the car when we would drive to and from the apartments every Saturday. 
I know at the time they probably annoyed me a little but now as I look back those things he shared - they have became a part of me...

He taught us that we had the power to become whoever we choose to be! 
That nothing stood in out way but ourselves. 
That we should have faith and trust in our Savior.
That if we worked hard enough we could achieve our best selves! 
"I, Kimberly (and Keri and Kristi and Amie and Annie), 
having been born of goodly parents, 
therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father (and my mother)..."

Thank you Dad for all of your teachings.

And our sweet momma!
She was a great example of service.
She worked hard for our family. 
Making our house a home...(that is no small task:!)
She sewed dresses for every holiday! EVERYONE! We all matched! ....seriously. We looked amazing. 

She was a STALWART Visiting Teacher! 
I don't think she ever missed a month.:)
She was always helping others in need...

I remember one Family Home Evening, 
my Dad pulled us all together to let us know that we needed to help more around the house. 
My mother sat there in tears.
I still remember feeling really bad that she was crying and yet I didn't understand why.
Oh BOY! I now know why!
Pick up your crap!

I remember so many FHE's that were fun and enjoyable! 
We had a lesson and then off to play
volleyball, softball, kick ball. We had fun as a family.

Thank you Mom! You are a great example to us!
One thing that stands out about my parents is
 You work hard until you achieve it!

I look at our Cabin in Ovid, Idaho and it is exactly an accumulation of my parents teachings.
Families are Forever! God Loves us All! Work Hard! Play Together! 

I hope when you come to our cabin, that you will feel of our love for family and God.
Because truly that is what life is all about!
Nothing else really matters....

These are just some thoughts this morning...
 hope you have a beautiful day!
and remember 
If we love the Lord - ALL things shall work together for our good! 

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